Monday, December 17, 2012


I really want to blog.
I really do.
But what to blog about?
How about pictures?
ISSA PUPPY. This is Baylee. She's my companion, like Rose and the Doctor (I'm still on Season 1...)

Here she is again... That's my foot off the edge of the couch.
She tends to do this a lot. Apparently I make a good chin rest. 

And one last time. Isn't she the cutest?!

Photo creds to my dad, except the first one, which I took. We took all of those up there with my mum's fancy new camera we gave her as an early Christmas present. Isn't it amazing?!?! The pictures, that is. The camera is HUGE though, and the lens is massive... but the picture turnouts are amazing.

My rings! I've lost the thin one, and gained my purity ring since then.
But I wear these every day.
I'm not going to say that these rings are a part of my identity, but they all have very special memories connected to them. And I fiddle with them when I'm bored. My purity ring is my favourite (it's not pictured above). A late 16th birthday present, the mounting of the ring is my deceased grandmother's. The pearl within, my grandmother bought for me. It's a black pearl (or a blue pearl). It's rare. We got it on their 50th anniversary trip to Hawaii.



San Francisco from Sausalito. 

Britex Fabrics! 

These last two photos were from my October trip to San Francisco with my best friend. Britex is 4 floors of fabrics, ribbons, buttons, and scraps. It's the most amazing place EVER. But you can't take pictures inside :O 

<><><> So until next time  <><><> 

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